Table of contents
Demos for variant Basic Dialog
Code Editor
<Dialog title="What is a Dialog?"> <P> The Dialog component is a Modal variation that appears at the center of the screen. The Dialog has similar functionality to a traditional popup window and is mostly used for informational purposes (for example explaining a word on the page). Similar to Modal, it has to be triggered by the user to appear. Typical usage would be to read an explanation, then closing it. </P> <Button variant="secondary" size="large" top="large"> Read more </Button> </Dialog>
Dialog as help button
Code Editor
<Input label="Input" placeholder="Placeholder ..." suffix={ <Dialog> <P>Some additional information for the input field.</P> </Dialog> } />
Dialog with custom trigger
Code Editor
<Dialog title="Modal Title" trigger={(props) => ( <Button {...props} variant="primary" icon="information"> Custom trigger button </Button> )} > <P>This Modal was opened by a custom trigger component.</P> </Dialog>
Dialog with custom content
Code Editor
const handleBack = () => null render( <> <Dialog title="Custom title"> <Dialog.Navigation> <Breadcrumb onClick={handleBack} /> </Dialog.Navigation> <Dialog.Header> <P bottom>This is in the Dialog header</P> </Dialog.Header> <Button bottom size="large" right top> Read more </Button> <Button bottom size="large" variant="secondary"> Open example </Button> <FormStatus state="info"> This is a formstatus in a Dialog </FormStatus> </Dialog> </>, )
Fullscreen Dialog
Code Editor
<Dialog title={<span className="dnb-sr-only">"Hidden" Dialog title</span>} fullscreen triggerAttributes={{ variant: 'tertiary', text: 'Open a fullscreen dialog', icon: 'bell', }} modalContent="The Dialog component is a Modal variation that appears at the center of the screen. The Dialog has similar functionality to a traditional popup window and is mostly used for informational purposes." />
Dialog as progress indicator
Code Editor
<Dialog spacing={false} fullscreen={false} alignContent="centered" hideCloseButton triggerAttributes={{ text: 'Show', }} preventClose={false} maxWidth="12rem" > <ProgressIndicator show_label label_direction="vertical" top="large" bottom="large" /> </Dialog>
Dialog with close delay
Code Editor
<Dialog title=".5s close delay" triggerAttributes={{ text: 'Click me', }} focusSelector=".dnb-input__input:first-of-type" preventClose hideCloseButton onOpen={(e) => console.log('on_open', e)} onClose={(e) => console.log('on_close', e)} onClosePrevent={({ close, triggeredBy }) => { console.log('triggeredBy', triggeredBy) const timeout = setTimeout(close, 500) return () => clearTimeout(timeout) // clear timeout on unmount }} > <P>This is a Dialog with no close button.</P> <P>Click outside me, and I will be closed within 1 second.</P> <Input label="Focus:" top> Focus me with Tab key </Input> </Dialog>
Demos for variant Confirm dialog
Code Editor
<Dialog variant="confirmation" title="Dialog confirmation title" icon={bell_medium} description="Some content describing the situation." onConfirm={({ close }) => close()} triggerAttributes={{ text: 'Trigger button', }} />
Deletion Dialog
A confirmType="warning"
will enhance the context by applying a red color to the icon, as in the deletion scenario.
Code Editor
<Dialog variant="confirmation" confirmType="warning" title="Are you sure you want to delete this?" icon={trash_medium} description="This action cannot be undone." confirmText="Delete" declineText="Cancel" onConfirm={({ close }) => close()} triggerAttributes={{ text: 'Delete record', icon: trash_medium, }} />
Logged out Dialog
Use the openState
prop to automatically trigger the Dialog, here demonstrated with a button for simplicity. You can also change the default confirm text and hide the decline button when suited.